Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule 2024, Ticket Price, eTicket

Assalamu Alaikum To know about Dhaka to Rajshahi train schedule you can check here on our website. Today we are going to inform you about all the train fares and their schedules on the Dhaka to Rajshahi route. So this registration is for those who travel daily from Dhaka to Rajshahi by rail.

As train travel is generally found to be more comfortable and safer than road travel, train travel is the first choice of travel for most people. Also, the trains running on Dhaka to Rajshahi route are luxurious and fast trains.

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Distance:

Dhaka to Rajshahi railway distance is 244 km. If you want you can buy online tickets for these trains. Also, to buy train tickets from Dhaka to Rajshahi, you need to collect tickets from Kamalapur or Airport railway station.

Dhaka To Rajshahi Train Schedule 2024:

Dhaka to Amto Nagar Train Dhumketu Express, Silk City Express, Padma Express, these trains run directly on Dhaka to Rajshahi route. So for your convenience we are including the list of these three train schedules through SOC below.
Trains Name  Trains Number From To Departure Time  Arrival Time Off Day
Dhumketu Express 769 Dhaka Rajshahi 06:00 AM 11:40 AM Saturday
Bonolota Express 791 Dhaka Rajshahi 01:15 PM 06:00 PM Friday
Silkcity Express 753 Dhaka Rajshahi 02:40 PM 08:45 PM Sunday
Padma Express 759 Dhaka Rajshahi 11:10 PM 04:40 AM Tuesday

Rajshahi To Dhaka Train Schedule 2024:

A total of four trains depart from Rajshahi for Dhaka. Among them, the interesting train is Banalata Express. This train stops only at Airport Station and Kamalapur Railway Station. Banalta Express Train Trin is basically a non-stop train from Rajshahi.

Trains Name  Trains Number From To Departure Time  Arrival Time Off Day
Bonolota Express 792 Rajshahi Dhaka 07:00 AM 11:40 AM Friday
Silkcity Express 754 Rajshahi Dhaka 07:40 AM 01:00 PM Sunday
Padma Express 760 Rajshahi Dhaka 04:00 PM 09:40 PM Tuesday
Dhumketu Express 770 Rajshahi Dhaka 11:20 PM 04:45 AM Friday

Dhaka To Rajshahi Train Ticket Price :

You all know that train tickets are usually allocated according to their seat arrangement and class. That is, the trains running on the Rajshahi to Dhaka train route are classified into four categories. For your convenience, we have attached the ticket prices for these below.

Types Seats Ticket Price BDT
AC Berth 940
AC Seat 630
Snigdha 625
Shovon Chair 315

Train Ticket Booking Online :

if you want to book Dhaka to Rajshahi train online ticket then you need to do online ticket booking through e-ticket on Bangladesh Railway official website. In that case you can check out the article on booking an online ticket on our website.

Hope from our above discussion you got to know about all Rajshahi to Dhaka route trains. Besides, if you are interested to know about any other train, then definitely comment in the comment box of our website. Thank you.

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